. . The 1940 Municipal Airport Terminal at William P Hobby Airport. Native Americans are a smaller minority in the state Native Americans make up 0.5 percent of Texas's population and number over 118,000 individuals Native Americans of non-Hispanic origin make up 0.3 percent of the population and number over 75,000 individuals Cherokee made up 0.1 percent of the population and numbered over 19,400 members in contrast only 583 identified as Chippewa. Tyler (98,564) The Allen brothers ran their first advertisement for Houston just four days later in the Telegraph and Texas Register naming the notional town in honor of President Sam Houston. They successfully lobbied the Republic of Texas Congress to designate Houston as the temporary capital agreeing to provide the new government with a capital building. About a dozen persons resided in the town at the beginning of 1837 but that number grew to about 1,500 by the time the Texas Congress convened in Houston for the first time that May. Houston was granted incorporation on June 5 1837 with James S Holman becoming its first mayor in the same year Houston became the county seat of Harrisburg County (now Harris County).
! Texas lies between two major cultural spheres of Pre-Columbian North America: the Southwestern and the Plains areas Archaeologists have found that three major indigenous cultures lived in this territory and reached their developmental peak before the first European contact These were:. As of 2015 the largest grocers in the Houston market by the number of locations were Kroger with 107 stores and 5 planned stores; H-E-B with 90 stores and 8 planned stores; Walmart with 78 stores and one planned store; Target with 35 stores; Fiesta Mart with 34 stores; Lewis Food Town with 32 stores; Randalls Food Markets with 30 stores; Aldi with 21 stores; Sam's Club with 20 stores; Sellers Bros with 11 stores; Foodarama and Whole Foods Market with 10 stores each; Costco Wholesale and Sprouts Farmers Market with six stores each; and the Fresh Market and Trader Joe's with four stores each as of 2007 the largest grocers in the Houston market were Wal-Mart Kroger H-E-B Safeway Inc (as Randalls Food Markets) Grocers Supply Company (as Fiesta Mart) Target Lewis Food Town Gerlands Food Fair Brookshire Brothers and Sellers Bros, Texas has a reputation of very harsh criminal punishment for criminal offenses It is one of the 32 states that practice capital punishment and since the US Supreme Court allowed capital punishment to resume in 1976 40% of all US executions have taken place in Texas as of 2008 Texas had the 4th highest incarceration rate in the US. Texas also has strong self defense laws allowing citizens to use lethal force to defend themselves their families or their property, On Friday November 22 1963 in Dallas Texas at 12:30 pm Central Standard Time (18:30 UTC) Lee Harvey Oswald an alienated loner assassinated President John F Kennedy the Texas Governor John B Connally was also shot but survived the episode caused a national outrage focused on right wing elements in Dallas that had long been hostile to Kennedy. For a half-century and more the people of Dallas still struggle with being branded as having some responsibility the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza located where the assassin is believed to have fired the shots has become a historic tourist site.