Soon Houstonians were prompted to put an end to their problems; so they wanted to make a Chamber of Commerce just for the city a bill had been introduced on November 26 1838 in Congress that would establish this entity President Mirabeau B Lamar signed the act into law on January 28 1840 This move could not have come sooner as the city was suffering from financial problems and numerous yellow fever outbreaks including an 1839 outbreak that killed about 12 percent of its population Also on January 14 1839 the capital had been moved to Austin known as Waterloo at the time on April 4 1840 John Carlos hosted a meeting to establish the Houston Chamber of Commerce at the City Exchange building E.S Perkins presided as its first president in addition to Perkins and Carlos the charter members admitted were: Henry R Allen T Francis Brewer Jacob De Cordova J Temple Doswell George Gazley Dewitt C Harris J Hart Charles J Hedenburg Thomas M League Charles Kesler Charles A Morris E Osborne and John W Pitkin Undergrowth and snags had been the greatest obstacle to navigating Buffalo Bayou; yet by 1840 there was an accumulation of sunken ships This was the principle concern of the new Houston Chamber of Commerce the city of Houston and Harris County responded by allocating taxpayer money for bayou clearance and on March 1 1841 the first wreck was pulled out the bayou under this program, The Fulbright Tower built in 1982 and designed by Caudill Rowlett & Scott Architects is a 52-story tower constructed of steel with suspended concrete on metal deck floor slabs the exterior wall consists of a ribbon window wall with granite spandrel panels and aluminum framed windows with insulated glazing the spandrel panels are polished granite supported by a steel truss system the interior wall surfaces are constructed of Italian flame cut Rosa Beta granite quarried in Sardinia mixed with Makore wood and stainless steel trim. ; . They had benefited from Guinea's connections with neighbouring Iberians and north African Muslim states Due to these connections mathematicians and experts in naval technology appeared in Portugal Portuguese and foreign experts made several breakthroughs in the fields of mathematics cartography and naval technology. Northcliffe Manor In 1540 expeditions under Hernando de Alarcon and Melchior Diaz visited the area of Yuma and immediately saw the natural crossing of the Colorado River from Mexico to California by land as an ideal spot for a city as the Colorado River narrows to slightly under 1000 feet wide in one small point Later military expeditions that crossed the Colorado River at the Yuma Crossing include Juan Bautista de Anza (1774), 6.3 Seating capacity 2 Climate, Six Flags Astroworld Houston's only large theme park closed in 2005. . Bridgeland Taxation Italian defeats prompted Germany to deploy an expeditionary force to North Africa and at the end of March 1941 Rommel's Afrika Korps launched an offensive which drove back the Commonwealth forces in under a month Axis forces advanced to western Egypt and besieged the port of Tobruk, See also: Deregulation of the Texas electricity market, Besides the county judge and commissioners the other elective offices found in most counties include the county attorney county and district clerks county treasurer sheriff tax assessor-collector justices of the peace and constables As a part of the checks and balances system counties have an auditor appointed by the district courts. .
The newly elected Texian delegates to the Convention of 1836 quickly signed a Declaration of Independence on March 2 forming the Republic of Texas After electing interim officers the Convention disbanded the new government joined the other settlers in Texas in the Runaway Scrape fleeing from the approaching Mexican army. After several weeks of retreat the Texian Army commanded by Sam Houston attacked and defeated Santa Anna's forces at the Battle of San Jacinto. Santa Anna was captured and forced to sign the Treaties of Velasco ending the war, Administration by judiciary Other tourist attractions include the Galleria Texas' largest shopping mall[citation needed] located in the Uptown District; Old Market Square; Tranquility Park; and Sam Houston Historical Park which contains restored homes (built between 1824 and 1868) and reconstructed buildings the San Jacinto Battlefield is in the nearby city of Deer Park, Louis Wigfall lived in Nacogdoches Nacogdoches County and Marshall Harrison County. Economy Employment Seasonal observation 2.2 Gulf Coast campaign Reconstruction through 1900 Advances were made in nearly every aspect of naval warfare most notably with aircraft carriers and submarines Although aeronautical warfare had relatively little success at the start of the war actions at Taranto Pearl Harbor and the Coral Sea established the carrier as the dominant capital ship in place of the battleship in the Atlantic escort carriers proved to be a vital part of Allied convoys increasing the effective protection radius and helping to close the Mid-Atlantic gap. Carriers were also more economical than battleships because of the relatively low cost of aircraft and their not requiring to be as heavily armoured. Submarines which had proved to be an effective weapon during the First World War were anticipated by all sides to be important in the second the British focused development on anti-submarine weaponry and tactics such as sonar and convoys while Germany focused on improving its offensive capability with designs such as the Type VII submarine and wolfpack tactics. Gradually improving Allied technologies such as the Leigh light hedgehog squid and homing torpedoes proved victorious over the German submarines.[citation needed]. Main articles: Portuguese India and Portuguese India Armadas In 2003 the Texas School Nutrition Policy Launch set nutrition standards with the intentions of discouraging obesity. This policy lowered the availability of foods of minimal nutritional value in schools limited portion sizes limited trans fats and limited fried foods. Texas has also required early childhood education programs to encourage breastfeeding provide drinking water access and provide daily physical activity the state also has a fund specifically for financing healthy food in 2013 the Obesity Prevention Program was created after merging the Nutrition Physical Activity and Obesity Prevention (NPAOP) and Worksite Wellness Programs. This program supports healthy eating physical activity and policies that promote healthier lifestyles. . ; Houston Texas Business Directory, 10 Laredo Webb 257,156 2000 3,400,578 20.7% (-13) 17 Main article: Mexican Texas. In the early 1990s many older office buildings throughout Houston remained unoccupied At the same time newer office buildings for major corporations opened.