. . With large universities systems coupled with initiatives like the Texas Enterprise Fund and the Texas Emerging Technology Fund a wide array of different high tech industries have developed in Texas the Austin area is nicknamed the "Silicon Hills" and the north Dallas area the "Silicon Prairie" Texas has the headquarters of many high technology companies such as Dell Inc Texas Instruments Perot Systems Rackspace and AT&T, Like other Southern states by the late 1870s white Democrats regained control of the state legislature They passed a new constitution in 1876 that segregated schools and established a poll tax to support them but it was not originally required for voting; . Mission Concepcion is one of the San Antonio missions which is part of a National Historic Landmark. .
; Texas modernized and expanded its system of higher education through the 1960s the state created a comprehensive plan for higher education funded in large part by oil revenues and a central state apparatus designed to manage state institutions more efficiently These changes helped Texas universities receive federal research funds. Spring Brownsville 94/76 34/24 70/51 21/11 Both the American Heart Association and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center call Dallas home the Southwestern Medical Center ranks "among the top academic medical centers in the world" the institution's medical school employs the most medical school Nobel laureates in the world, El Paso 92/67 33/21 57/32 14/0 Mass transit, Houston Texas Business Directory Emergency Services Districts In June 1940 the Soviet Union forcibly annexed Estonia Latvia and Lithuania and the disputed Romanian regions of Bessarabia Northern Bukovina and Hertza Meanwhile Nazi-Soviet political rapprochement and economic co-operation gradually stalled and both states began preparations for war. Texas throughout the 21st century has been hammered by drought This has cost the state billions of dollars in livestock and crops, Harris County ESD #15 Fire Tomball FD 1% .05. .
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